Friday, April 2, 2010

I need a Rolex to know what the time is

A Question I get asked allot is whether I would date a man who isn’t very good looking, but has allot of money – or a very good looking man who has very little money. I usually respond by saying that it’s not the fact that someone has money that makes them attractive, it’s the reason they have money that does. I have always had a weakness for successful men – men that have worked hard to be where they are today and that is exactly why they have the money to show for it.

Someone very close to my heart once told me that success isn’t always measured in the amount of money that you’ve been able to make throughout your live – that there are plenty of ways to show your success. I am in two minds about the matter – wouldn’t you want to better yourself or your life as you get more successful? Wouldn’t you want to live in a nice house and drive a nice car – because I’m sure 99% of people would answer yes to that question and that alone should make you wonder if saying “I am successful, but the money isn’t all that important” maybe is just a nicer way of saying “I’m not really all that successful yet…”

As to whether I would choose a man with money above one with looks – I would not. For me it is the whole package. Partake in it all or have none of it seems to be the way I approach so many things in life. Growing up I remember asking my mother to buy me a certain type of lets say ice cream – I like chocolate and vanilla (no pun intended), but not strawberry. She is the type of person who would compromise and buy strawberry if they were out of chocolate and vanilla. So although I’m grateful that she made the effort to go to the store, I’m not happy with the compromise – I would rather have done without the ice cream all together than have to eat something I dislike. The same thing applies here – I’d like to date a specific type of guy or rather not date at all.

I’m not being bias by saying this as the same principle most probably applies to all other men – They may either like what I have to offer or they might not. Some may even be willing to compromise – but that alone tells me that they are not the type of guy for me. I don’t think anyone should ever look at their partner and think that they could have done better, irrelevant of whether or not they could. For me – I look at how attractive someone is, whether they are successful and then comes the personality. I wouldn’t date a man with just one or two of these things, because to me all three are important.

It is of course very important to take each guy on a case to case basis – Some men compensate for their looks with a nice car, others think that a gorgeous face will land them a well paid acting career. Spotting these flaws in human behaviour has always been essential for me in finding the right guy. There is just something about meeting a handsome, successful, kind and loving man that likes you for you – and when he tells you how amazing you are, you know it’s real, because he is at the top of his game, he could have chosen anyone else, but he chose you. Nothing in the world comes close to that feeling.

So I guess what I’m trying to say is that you need to go out and explore what combination of looks, success and personality makes your perfect man, but I can assure you that when one is missing, the other two will never be able to compensate – So I dare you to say these three sentences to yourself now : “I don’t want a man that is good looking” “I don’t want a successful man” “I don’t want a man with an amazing personality” – I bet if you just said that you might be thinking twice about a relationship you’re in or one you want to be in. I’m not saying that you should nit pick on looks like I do - as I’m specific on height, hair length, teeth and hands.

So if I can leave you with one last thought it would be to never compromise, know your worth and tell yourself you deserve the man of your dreams – there will always be someone better out there, but the question is whether or not you will find them in your lifetime – So appreciate what you have without having to compromise and your happy ending is right around the corner…